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Danida Fellowship Centre - Research and learning

Knowledge is detrimental for finding sustainable solutions to global challenges. But for knowledge to best help us do so, it is essential that we share it with each other and support the research through which it is created. See below how the Government of Denmark engages in this area.

On behalf of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Danida Fellowship Centre supports the creation of new competences and skills aimed at transforming knowledge into action through:

In Ghana, Danida has supported development research and learning programmes for many years resulting in the establishment of the Ghanaian chapter of the Danida Alumni Network ‘DAN-G’ in 2000. Learn more about DAN-G’s activities here.

Danida Fellow Centre administers applications for research calls and learning programmes. In Ghana, it is a precondition that applicants are linked to one of the Embassy’s four strategic sector cooperations in the maritime sector, statistics, meteorology and climate, and urban water management. Find out more here or contact sector counsellor Mathias Thuborg Madsen at [email protected]

Examples of Danida supported research projects in Ghana:

  • Port Efficiency and Public Private Capacity Building in Ghana (PEPP Project) aims to map and improve approaches to Capacity Development for the maritime sector in Ghana. The University of Aarhus heads the project in collaboration with the Business School University and the Regional Maritime University in Ghana.

  • Building Climate-resilience into basin water management is 5-year research project into river basins in West Africa. Illegal and uncontrolled mining and logging have severely challenge sustainable water resource management. The project is a collaboration between several Ghanaian, Danish and international entities. In Ghana headed by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and the Water Research Institute.

  • Climate-Smart Cocoa Agroforestry Research in Ghana is a research project between the Universities of Copenhagen and Aarhus and the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Ghana. Climate change is threatening the cocoa production in Ghana. This research project aims at mitigating the impact of climate change and ensure a sustainable production.
  • Analyzing Maritime Insecurity in Ghana (AMARIS Project) conducting research into blue, maritime crime, maritime security governance and capacity building. The University of Copenhagen heads the project collaborating with Ghanaian partners: Safeseas, Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre and Cemlaws Law and Security.